Flow Right Cost Justification

homebattery costjustification

Utilize the Cisco Inc. interactive cost worksheet to calculate real savings for your personal application. You will need the number of cells for each battery and the total number of those batteries. You will also be asked to enter the labor rate for the person in charge of checking and watering batteries every week. Please call Jeff Timmer at Cisco Inc. for further questions or information.

Section A - Cost For One Battery
A: Weekly Watering Time In Minutes
(using one minute per call on manual)
B: Labor Cost Per Watering
C: 52 Weeks Per Year (Line B X 52)  
D: Annual Cleaning Of Battery  
E: SubTotal (add lines C and D)  
F: Retail Price Of Flow-Rite System
(see dealer for pricing)*
G: First Year Cost (add lines E and F)  
Section B - Five Year Savings (per battery)
Manual Flow-Rite Savings
Year One
Year Two
Year Three
Year Four
Year Five
Total Five Year Savings Per Battery Is:  
Total Five Year Savings For All Batteries Is:  
Section C - Time For The Flow-Rite System To Pay For Itself
Section C
Five Year Flow-Rite Cost
First Year Manual Cost


Note: Flow-Rite projects the savings over 5 years, the warranty life of our product. Historically systems have a life cycle greater than 5 years.