homebattery hydrocon

Hydrogen Concentration Worksheet

During the recharge process, a lead acid battery releases hydrogen and oxygen through the electrolysis of sulfuric acid. The beginning of gassing is determined by the battery voltage. The amount of gas released depends on the current that is utilized in the electrolysis of the sulfuric acid. As the battery reaches its full state of charge, less current is used in converting lead sulfate from the negative and positive plates and more current is used in the gassing process.

Four percent concentration of hydrogen is dangerous and can potentially explode. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) allows up to 1% concentration of hydrogen in a battery charging area. It is important to check with the local fire department for their local code. To keep the hydrogen concentration below 1%, adequate ventilation must be provided.

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Calculate Rate Of Hydrogen Concentration (RHC):

Rate of Hydrogen Concentration Calculator
cubic feet
cubic feet / hour

Calculate Maximum Hydrogen Concentration (MHC)

Maximum Hydrogen Concentration Calculator
Cubic Feet
per cubic foot

Rate To Maximum Allowable Concentration:

Rate to Maximum Allowable Concentration Calculator

Rate Of Air Volume Removal

Rate of Air Volume Removal Calculator
Cubic Feet Per Minute